Dark Sky Series: The Lives and Deaths of Stars

Date(s): Fri, 8/2/2024 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Forest Preserve: Middle Fork River
Location: Activity Center


Friday, August 2

Activity Center, Middle Fork River Forest Preserve, 8 p.m.- 11 p.m.

The stars, seemingly eternal in their twinkling presence in the night sky, appear to be our calm and constant companions. However, their existence is far from tranquil--stars are born, live, and die in a cycle of chaos and cataclysm. In this presentation, Dr. Gautham Narayan from the Department of Astronomy at UIUC will discuss the life cycle of a star and the ways in which this cycle shapes everything we see in our universe. Following the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to peer through telescopes at various nebulae, galaxies, and planets. FREE. All ages. For more info: (217)896-2455 or [email protected].

In the event of inclement weather/overcast skies, this program may be cancelled. Cancellation notices will be posted at least two hours before the program on the CCFPD & Homer Lake Interpretive Center Facebook pages.

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image Dark Sky Series: The Lives and Deaths of Stars
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